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Levitated Optomechanics, Swansea

Singleton Campus

The Optomechanics Group is based in the Department of Physics within the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Swansea University.

Optomechanics uses light to control nanoscale motion, offers quantum-limited control over mesoscopic devices, and builds on mature techniques from cold atom physics.

Research within the group spans technology development, theoretical work on optical scattering and information, and Bayesian inference and experiment design for matterwave interferometry. The group comprises James Bateman (group lead), Rafal Gajewski (PDRA), Shaun Laing (PDRA), and Matthew Edmonds (PhD candidate).

PhD theses

Networks and partnerships

LeviNet LeviNet: Levitation Network for Advanced Quantum Technologies provides focus for the thriving UK and International levitated optomechanics and levitodynamics community.

Levinet supported Shaun Laing on a Scientific Mission to the Geraci Research Group at Northwestern University.

INSQT INSQT: International Network for Space Quantum Technologies supports engagement with the space quantum technologies community.

MAQRO MAQRO is a proposal for a medium-sized space mission to harness space for long free-fall times in matterwave interferometry experiments with nanoparticles. This challenging objective provides focus for development of theoretical understanding, techniques, and technology.


Dr James Bateman

Department of Physics, Singleton Campus, Swansea University, SA2 8PP, UK